Ukraine and Taiwan

Since the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Taiwan has been quick to respond to calls for help. It immediately imposed sanctions against russia, and has been assisting Ukraine during the entire period of the full-scale invasion. After a meeting with the speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, who acts as an advocate for Taiwan, a friendship group with Taiwan was created in the Ukrainian Parliament. I had the honor of visiting the island and talking with President Tsai Ing-wen and representatives of the parliament and the government.

Since the beginning of our cooperation Taiwan has:
  • provided 1 million dollars for the purchase of generators for hospitals and kindergartens in Kyiv;
  • donated beds for hospitals and computers for schools and provided 50 emergency vehicles (ambulance and fire engines).

By resisting russia, Ukrainians are also indirectly saving Taiwan from possible aggression. Therefore, the Taiwanese understand well what it means to stand up to an aggressor who has many times more resources than you. This understanding forms a special attitude towards Ukraine.